Project 9: Tech Skillz and Practice Exercises


  • Header
    • Stretches horizontally across the whole page.
    • 60px tall.
  • Columns
    • Both the left and right columns have a fixed width of 100px.
    • The center column is fluid-width.
    • All the columns should have the same height, regardless of which column is the tallest.
  • Footer
    • Stretches horizontally across the whole page.
    • 100px tall.
    • The footer should be at the bottom of the page even if there is not enough content to fill up the viewport height.


  • Name field
  • Email field
  • Message field. Since the message can be long, using a <textarea> will be more suitable.
  • Submit button
    • Contains the text “Send”.
    • Clicking on the submit button submits the form to a mailto:

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