A Catchy Heading will go here when I think of one

Look Around and see the wonderful world we are creating together…

About Me

Hello world, My name Is Leslie

“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing.”


We are going to create such wondrous amazing things together. I didn’t come this far on this life path journey to only come this far and to only accomplish these things. With a snap, a star’s trajectory can be redefined within a single moment, and I eagerly await for the next moments of my professional career in frontend web development in which I will aspire to shine my light upon the world and leave it a better foundation for future generations to build upon. 


Leslie’s Accountability

My Work

Pages and Pages and Pages of Projects!

Project 1:

Tribute -Honoring the Extraordinary


Go See

Project 2:

Client Blog – Empowering DIY Craft Enthusiasts


Go See

Project 3:

UX Project – Enhancing the Shopping Experi


Go See

Project 4:

Bootstrap Website – Streamlined Layout Creation.


Go See

Project 5:

Fresh Eats – A Fresh Take on Food Delivery


Go See

Project 6:

Pine Jewelry – Crafting Elegance.


Go See

Project 7:

Codetalk – My Journey Through the Fundamentals.


Go See

Project 8:

Flying A Sign: a Practical Guide for Families to Escape Homelessness


Go See

Project 9:

Technical Skills


Go See

Project 10:



Go See

Project 11:

Microsoft 365


Go See

Wonders of Figma

A Jolly Walk Through My Creations Using Figma


Go See

The One Project To Unite Them All: Follow The Progress

Leslie’s Codetalk Trajectory

This project is one of my favorites. It is the first multi-page website I am attempting to build using Visual Studio Code. This site will not only lay out the journey of the Code Talk frontend web development course for future reference for myself, but it will be the first subdomain I plan to support in my new secret hosting life for my future Codetalk sisters. There is no such things as too many resources. This site will also demonstrate all the skills taught in the class using CSS and Design. I’ll be working on this and updating this till the day I loose my eye site folks.

Go Take A Look

Technical Skills and Practice

The Resume

Cyberstalk me on Github

Cyberstalk me on LinkedIN

Go West Young Lady.

For My Granny, the great Dorthy Smith…

Humanity is for more than this…

We’ve come this far, my brothers, my sisters, might as well go a bit further…