Project 2: Client Blog-Empowering DIY Craft Enthusiasts

Code Editor: Visual Studio Code

Photo Editor: Affinity Photo

Languages: HTML/CSS

  • Designed and developed a one-page website for the “DIY Crafts for Children” blog in close collaboration with the client.
  • Created deliverables including an HTML index, mystyle.css, and an image folder, ensuring correct linking using Visual Studio Code.
  • Implemented appropriate div elements in the HTML code to maintain semantic structure.
  • Incorporated the client’s preferences, utilizing two fonts (Leckerli One and Twinkle Star) to achieve a handwritten aesthetic.
  • Employed color choices (#ff8fab and #cadc72) to add balance to the design.
  • Resized and cropped images with the skill to ensure a cohesive visual experience.
  • Enhanced user interaction and delight by incorporating hover actions and animations.

Style Tile

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