‘Bout Me

My Personality

Take The Quiz

These are my results, but if you want to learn a little bit more about yourself, I highly recommend this from 16 Personalities, It was surprising and a lot of fun.

The Results

Well, This explains a lot.

The Traits

I am not quite sure if I should be insulted, terrified, or in total agreement.

You never know bout me…at least you won’t until I finish making this page now will ya? Now This is a professional Portfolio and this page is about me. Keeping that in mind, the caution sign is fair I feel. I am to be myself, and usually, that includes short sarcastic one-liners layered with dark and inappropriate humor, but under the advice of my career coach, I’ll be saving those till after my 90-day review. I have a high standard of personal integrity and accountability. I thrive off criticism and feedback to the point my projects are not complete to me unless they’ve been put through some form of abuse from the agile management process. I often find my bed around the 2 am mark and that only lasts a few hours before I am up back in front of my Mac. I dream in code. If you know what I mean by that, you know what I mean by that. I am a compulsive reader, starting with cereal boxes in the morning, and anything I can get my hands on after that. Learning is something that you get to carry with you through a lifetime. I love to discuss controversy and conspiracies, but that comes after a few backyard BBQs, maybe a blues concert, and a few dinners. I reserve those thoughts for my close friends and family. I believe that I have an even larger extended family of seven billion other soul siblings on this planet. I wouldn’t say I like a lot of them. But to love each other, we don’t have to like each other. We can do better, we will do better.

Leslie’s Featured Song Lists

Music is such an important part of the functioning of a healthy soul. I come from an era where a way we showed people that we cared about them was to create a song list to connect with each other. We called them mixed tapes way back then. You had to troll the local radio stations until you found your song and be fast enough to hit the record button on the tape player when the song came on. I remember clearly impactful the cd burner was to my life when it came out. I threw together a few lists for you of some of my most favorites that have moved and touched me personally, and that were most importantly appropriate for the Portfolio. (Trigger Warning… Muddy Waters is the father of Modern Rap btw…just saying)

Put It Down

Sometimes The World Gets Kinda Heavy, and That’s Okay Too

Love, Codetalk 2023

For Harriet, Nancy, Morgan, Jalaya, Emily, Karla, Alejandra, Mariamawit, Monica, Pricilla, Arhiel, Robin, and Mychel

Should you ever need me…yes should you ever need me…click right here and I’ll be there for you…with love always.

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I am always looking for new music to add to my ever growing playlist. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.

My Pictures, My moments, My memories,


I find that through the thrill and fun of photography, I can express myself and share myself as I am. One must live fearless of others’ judgment for speaking the truth, and behind the Camera is where I am able to do that unapologetically.

Portland, Oregon 2021

The Reason For It All

The Pacific Coast Highway, California 2023

Best Nights Sleep

Somewhere miles deep in the Rocky Mountians, near Denver, Colorado 2019

Off Grid Livin

Redwoods California, 2022

Breath With Me

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